Divine Healing is an endeavour, through prayer, the laying-on of hands, and anointing with oil to bring to someone in need of wholeness the healing love of Jesus Christ.
‘This is what the Lord, the God of your father David, says: I have heard your prayer and seen your tears; I will heal you.”
2 Kings 20:5
Divine Healing Ministries was founded in 1993 by Br. David Jardine and Sr. Margaret McStay as an interdenominational ministry to pray for the healing of individuals and of our land.
The ministry is involved with various mission trips along with a number of churches and pastors across the globe.
Prayer has been ongoing since 1991 across the land, this prayer down the years from the people of God has surely borne fruit as evidenced in the relative peace and stability we have enjoyed over recent years.
To see people, communities and nations healed and restored through Christ Jesus.
To pray for the healing of individuals and for reconciliation in the land.
Prayer: To pray and equip others to pray for healing, reconciliation and restoration.
Development: To continue to develop an interdenominational and intergenerational team.
Growth: To increase the number of individuals, churches and communities reached by the ministry.
What can you receive prayer for?
Loneliness, past hurts, anxiety, stress, recovery from sickness, physical healing, broken relationship, your relationship with God, someone you are concerned about, temptation, guidance over a decision. You can receive prayer for any need in your life.
What can you expect?
Sometimes God does a miracle instantaneously, but today people are often healed gradually over a period of time. Through prayer, we can expect to find peace, strength and healing, and an improvement in our condition.
Leave a first name and a brief description of what you would like prayer for.
Requests will be passed on to our intercessor team who will pray for 30 days.
All requests are treated with confidentiality.