Speaker: Brother David
Location: St Patrick Ballymacarrett
Speaker: Pastor David Hamilton
Location: St Patrick's Ballymacarrett
Speaker: Evelyn Whyte
Speaker: Allan Bruce
Location: St Finnian's
Speaker: Beverly Bedford
Speaker: Dr Stephen Rodgers
Location: St John's Parish, Helen's Bay
Speaker: Fergus McMorrow
Speaker: Norman Sleator
Location: St Patricks Ballymacarrett
Speaker: Canon David Brown
Speaker: Dave Hogg
Location: St Patricks, Ballymacarrett
Speaker: David Legge
Speaker: Valerie Murray
Speaker: Peter Kirch
Speaker: Matthew Rudolph and guests
Location: Inch Parish Church
Speaker: Matthew Rudolph
Speaker: Terry Quinn
Speaker: Rosie Alley
Location: St Finnians
Speaker: Jordan Ballentine and Rebekah Alley
Location: Divine Healing Ministries